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Autumn funeral flowers


What do you automatically think of when you think of sympathy flowers? Generally not this?

Now that we're fully into autumn, there's a whole range of gorgeous local, (often free, if it's DIY!) seasonal foliage to use. Granted, there aren't many flowers at this time of year, but there are seed heads and berries aplenty. There's always the option to buy in flowers to supplement what's in our gardens and hedgerows.

Old man's beard (wild clemitis), berried ivy, physalis (Chinese lantern fruit), rosehip, blackberries, and ferns are among this beautiful sympathy flower spray. Ivy flowers are great, but they're also the last big forage crop for our pollinators 🐝

Using seasonal foliage for funeral flowers gives a really special opportunity for bereaved families and friends to be involved - either in the garden of the person who has died or their families, or just in the local area. Maybe they create it with the help of a florist, or maybe by themselves. These spaces and activities can be really memorable and important for grief processes, and between the group themselves.

Have you made seasonal funeral flower decorations? What did you create?

Gorgeous flower design by @angelaturnerfloraldesign

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